Storytelling with Data Across the Employee Lifecycle

This infographic reveals 4 key HR metrics to strengthen your next data story, so you can prevent costly turnover and retain top talent. Start scrolling to explore the piece!



Workplace Trust - 58% of People Trust Strangers More than Their Own Boss

Workplace Trust - 58% of People Trust Strangers More than Their Own Boss

It’s a great time to be in management, right? According to a Harvard Business Review survey, we live in a world where trust is at an all time-low; 58...

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Top-Down to Team-Oriented: Examining Organisational Structures

Top-Down to Team-Oriented: Examining Organisational Structures

The way a company structures its workforce is crucial to its success. Workforce structures determine how employees are organised, how work is...

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Telling Stories with Data and Engaging Your Audience

Telling Stories with Data and Engaging Your Audience

In the last One Model product update post I talked about our new user experience and hinted at some exciting new developments on the horizon. In this...

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