People Analytics Blog

Knowledge Engineering

ai in hr

2 min read

Setting the Stage for AI in HR: Can You Say YES to This Critical Question About Your Data?

The buzz around Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the workplace is growing louder by the day. As organizations worldwide attempt to harness this...

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3 min read

Forecasting vs. Annualization: Determining the Right Approach at the Right Time

Reporting specialists and data analysts are often required to predict the future for stakeholder groups. They do this through a variety of models,...

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2 min read

HR Law: Will your People Analytics AI activity create legal concerns?

In a recent editorial (here), Emerging Intelligence Columnist John Sumser explains how pending EU Artificial Intelligence (AI) regulations will...

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4 min read

What's the difference between forecasting and predictive analytics?

Ever play with a Magic 8 Ball? Back in the day, you could ask it any question and get an answer in just a few seconds. And if you didn't like its...

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4 min read

No-Code Machine Learning for People Data: A Culinary Approach

With the introduction of One AI Recipes, One Model has created an intuitive interface for no-code machine learning in people analytics.

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2 min read

4 Diversity Metrics that Measure Your DE&I Success

Is your company meeting its diversity goals? More importantly, if it is, are you adequately measuring diversity and inclusion success? While we may...

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7 min read

How Good is Their Predictive Model on Your HR Data?

The human resources department is a mission-critical function in most businesses. So the promise of better people decisions has generated interest in...

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4 min read

Grow your People Analytics Maturity with Exploratory Data Analysis

During my daily discussions with One Model prospects and customers, two consistent themes emerge: A general lack of understanding of predictive...

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6 min read

Evaluating A Predictive Model: Good Smells and Bad Smells

Post 1: Sniffing for Bull***t. As a people analytics professional, you are now expected to make decisions about whether to use various predictive...

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1 min read

Develop Ethical AI Principles and Processes for Your HR Strategy

We wrote this paper because we believe that AI/ML has the potential to be a very valuable and powerful technology to support better talent decisions...

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