People Analytics Blog

Recruiting Analytics

2 min read

Get More From Your Greenhouse Data with One Model’s Advanced Analytics for Greenhouse

Greenhouse is a robust applicant tracking system, but with the flood of data that gets generated, information about your candidate pipeline,...

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3 min read

Why Your Skills-Based Hiring Strategy is Incomplete Without a Robust Job Taxonomy

In today's dynamic job market, the transition to skills-based hiring is gaining momentum. This approach focuses on evaluating candidates based on...

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Storytelling with Data Across the Employee Lifecycle

This infographic reveals 4 key HR metrics to strengthen your next data story, so you can prevent costly turnover and retain top talent. Start...

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2 min read

Your Recruiters are Impacting Your Employee Outcomes

The Power of Combining Data Sources

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3 min read

You Need to Know Your Recruiting Cost for Applicant Sourcing

It can be hard to select the right people analytics projects. There’s no shortage of options to choose from-- turnover risk, career path analysis,...

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2 min read

Go Beyond the Rooney Rule, Try Diverse Slate Hiring

The Rooney Rule is a National Football League policy that requires league teams to interview ethnic-minority candidates for head coaching and senior...

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1 min read

One Model Announces Greenhouse Integration

One Model is excited to officially announce that today, we launched our new integration with Greenhouse Software, the fastest growing provider of...

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3 min read

One Model Announces Launch of Recruiting Analytics for SmartRecruiters Customers

Recruiting Analytics is now available for SmartRecruiters Customers We’re happy to announce that a standalone Recruiting Analytics version of One...

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