People Analytics Blog

workforce planning

2 min read

Navigating the Talent Maze: The Challenge of Attracting Data Engineers to HR

The world of people analytics is at a crossroads. On one side, the potential for data-driven decision-making in HR is incredible, offering insights...

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6 min read

Top-Down to Team-Oriented: Examining Organisational Structures

The way a company structures its workforce is crucial to its success. Workforce structures determine how employees are organised, how work is...

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Storytelling with Data Across the Employee Lifecycle

This infographic reveals 4 key HR metrics to strengthen your next data story, so you can prevent costly turnover and retain top talent. Start...

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4 min read

Using People Analytics for Strategic Workforce Planning

Given the Great Resignation, recent mass layoffs, and store closures, the past year has shown just how crucial strategic workforce planning can be to...

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7 min read

Can your people analytics strategy deliver the public service of the future?

The public sector is rapidly evolving, is your people analytics strategy fit for purpose and can it meet the increasing demands of a modern public...

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1 min read

VIDEO: "Lightning Round Learning, Strategic Workforce Planning, pt. 1"

There are whole books written about Workforce Planning. I read them and enjoy them (maybe even more than I would like to admit). I will include a...

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4 min read

Workplace Trust - 58% of People Trust Strangers More than Their Own Boss

It’s a great time to be in management, right? According to a Harvard Business Review survey, we live in a world where trust is at an all time-low; 58...

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1 min read

Why are we building One Model for Human Resources

The One Model team has a huge amount of experience in the HR data and analytics field. Our careers started at Infohrm, the world’s first SaaS...

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