People Analytics Blog

HR Metrics

3 min read

Drill-Down Ninjas See the Data More Clearly With One Model's Explore Tool

Anyone that analyzes data knows that there is always a need to drill into reports to answer the questions that pop up. One Model is the only people...

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5 min read

Span of Control Matters: How to Optimize Your Org Structure for Efficiency and Growth

In organizational management, span of control plays a key role in defining how streamlined and agile a company can be.

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5 min read

Key Metrics for Succession Planning

Succession planning is a strategic HR function. Its purpose is to map out key positions in the organization and identify potential successors who are...

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3 min read

Understanding Non-Revenue Employees: The Backbone of Business Success

When examining the workforce dynamics of an organization, it's common to fixate on revenue-generating roles. After all, these positions are directly...

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6 min read

John Sumser: 12 Questions to Ask an Artificial Intelligence Solution

John Sumser, one of the most insightful industry analysts in HR, recently wrote an article providing guidance on the selection of machine learning/AI...

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4 min read

The One Model Difference #1: We're Your HR Data Cleansing Service

The One Model difference that really sets us apart is our ability to extract all your messy data and clean it into a standardized data catalog. Let's...

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2 min read

People Analytics sneaky frustration: How to count people over time?

Analytics is a funny discipline. On one hand, we deal with idealized models of how the world works. On the other hand, we are constantly tripped up...

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2 min read

A Great Data Storytelling Example: Minard's Napoleon's 1812 March

Now that many of our customers have complete control and access to their data like never before, they're exploring how to tell better data stories. A...

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Storytelling with Data Across the Employee Lifecycle

This infographic reveals 4 key HR metrics to strengthen your next data story, so you can prevent costly turnover and retain top talent. Start...

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3 min read

Why HR teams should monitor net hires

I recently sat down with Culture Curated’s Season Chapman and Yuliana Lopez to ask them which metrics were their favourite and Yuliana said net...

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