
Snyk's People Analytics Earns Trust and Generates Exciting Insights with One Model

Snyk Team
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What Happens When the Company Finally Trusts Your People Analytics Data? Snyk explains.

Whose Snyk?

Hi, I'm Michael Brown. I'm the VP of global talent attraction and growth here at Snyk. Hey! My name is Gero Gonzalez. I'm the people analytics specialist here at Snyk. We're based out of Boston, Massachusetts, but the company is very global. We have hubs throughout the world. We're a leader in the cybersecurity space. Snyk created a platform and tools that are a developers-first approach that helps ensure security from cold to cloud. And today we have over 2200 and counting customers.

Before One Model

We were cobbling data together through multiple systems, and it usually ended up in a manual report that we would belabor over, you know, whether it was accurate or not. It was labor intensive making sure that the data is correct, double checking everything. So it was very taxing on everybody, for sure.

Solution Requirements

So some of the things that we were looking for, in terms of reporting were around time to fill, our quality of hire metrics, the efficiency of the team, we're trying to understand also, our fill rates and whether or not we are talking to the right candidates, making sure that we have a lens on how the team is operating, and are we operating at an efficient pace. You know, we're looking for something that was customizable but off-the-shelf, whereas some of the other players, like Visier, couldn't do that. And we did this within six months, but also ingesting two data sources at the same time.

The Results

The business impacts that we've been able to see from One model are pretty tremendous. Not only have we been able to unlock our data, but we've been able to also glean insights into things around gender balance, around our sourcing data, around our quality of hire, and really just giving us greater insight and how do we make decisions, you know, that all leads to dollars. That all leads to saving money and you know, saving time and then it's also enabled us to increase efficiencies around our sourcing, specifically. So giving us a better understanding around where to source and the profiles to source for.

After Implementation

We've been up and running for about six months now. And the initial feedback has been nothing but positive.

It's getting everybody excited from our internal stakeholders to our people leaders, to the business to all the execs, we all know that data integrity is really important, especially when you're sharing it. So the after-effect for us becomes trust. We now trust our data. We trust our system and we trust that we can tell the story accurately.

So now that we've got One Model up and running, and we've got real-time reporting, I can actually give Jarrow some life back. He can actually end his day at a reasonable hour and spend time with his family now, can you imagine that?!?

All Sources Combined   Together in One Model

All Sources Combined
Together in One Model

One Model People Data CloudTM brings all your data together.


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