Chelsea Schott

Chelsea is one of the newer members of the One Model team, but comes with almost a decade’s worth of experience with various workforce analytics platforms. Outside of One Model, her passion is rescuing and fostering dogs, so please excuse the barking you hear on the conference calls!

1 min read

People Analytics Topics That Won’t Start an Argument at Thanksgiving

The holiday season is here! And with it comes family, food, and perhaps a little friendly debate. This year, let's set aside the usual topics that...

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3 min read

People Analytics Spooky Stories: Tales of HR Horror

As Halloween approaches, it's time to gather 'round the virtual campfire and hear some spine-tingling tales of people analytics gone awry. Here are...

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3 min read

From Theory to Practice: Using Employee Retention Metrics to Maximize Your Workforce

Retention rate and turnover rate are two distinct metrics that measure employee longevity in an organization. Understanding employee retention rate...

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