Josh Lemoine

Having worn many hats (literally and figuratively) in his career, the thread of consistency for Josh has been working with people data in one way or another. osh brings experience in data engineering, product development, and user experience to the world of AI in his role as Product Manager for One AI.

6 min read

Learning from Failure: Why Measuring New Hire Failure Rate is Great!

Measuring New Hire Failure Rate in an actionable way and acting on the data will save your company money. In this blog, I'm taking a look at how your...

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4 min read

No-Code Machine Learning for People Data: A Culinary Approach

With the introduction of One AI Recipes, One Model has created an intuitive interface for no-code machine learning in people analytics.

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2 min read

Like Craft Beer? Then you'll LOVE Craft People Analytics.

Software companies today aren't exactly selling the idea of "lovingly crafting you some software that's unique and meaningful to you". There's a lot...

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3 min read

How to Burn 296,827 Calories Using One Model

2019 Goals: With it being the dawn of a new year, a lot of us are setting goals for ourselves. This year, I set two goals: To write and publish a...

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