People Analytics Blog

HR Current Events

2 min read

Celebrating David Green and His Contributions to People Analytics

David Green, a powerhouse in the people analytics world and a wonderful friend, is celebrating a major milestone, and the whole people analytics...

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7 min read

People Analytics Conferences - 2024

The landscape of People Analytics and HR Technology is rapidly evolving and staying on top of the latest trends and insights is crucial for...

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2 min read

Funny HR Gifts for Your Favorite People Analytics All Stars

Are you looking for a way to bring joy to an HR professional close to your heart? The right gift can crack a smile on their face and make them feel...

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1 min read

People Analytics Topics That Won’t Start an Argument at Thanksgiving

The holiday season is here! And with it comes family, food, and perhaps a little friendly debate. This year, let's set aside the usual topics that...

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3 min read

What HR needs to know about NYC's Automated Employment Decision Tools regulations

HR leaders - are you ready? Starting from Wednesday, July 5th, enforcement begins for Local Law 144 and Department of Consumer and Work Protection...

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4 min read

How to mitigate the likelihood of an underpayments scandal

Following recent media reports that another significant Australian institution has been involved in an underpayments scandal, we thought it...

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1 min read

VIDEO: Labor Markets Press Conference, July 28, 2020

On July 28, 2020, Nicholas Garbis of One Model and Cary Sparrow of Greenwich.HR delivered a press conference from the floor of the old Minneapolis...

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1 min read

VIDEO: One Model Presentation at event "People Analytics for the COVID Reset" by Nicholas Garbis

One Model recently took part in's "Inspire 2020" virtual symposium. Nicholas Garbis, One Model's VP of People Analytics Strategy, led the...

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5 min read

The June jobs report was good. Here’s why July will be even better.

SUMMARY: June was great at 4.8 million new jobs. July will be over 6 million.

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3 min read

Tracking COVID-19 Impacts on Your Workforce (#2 in our COVID-19 series, including a quick tool)

Our objective in this series is to offer our team’s expertise to the public during this crisis in the same way that Walmart delivers trailers of...

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