People Analytics Blog

People Analytics Academy

9 min read

One Model Virtual Library: Best People Analytics Books

Welcome to the One Model resource page for books about People Analytics. This is meant to be a living document, so if we missed one of your...

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9 min read

From Data to Decisions: What Is People Analytics?

Human resources (HR) departments play a crucial role in shaping a company's success by managing its most valuable asset — its workforce. But...

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3 min read

Understanding Non-Revenue Employees: The Backbone of Business Success

When examining the workforce dynamics of an organization, it's common to fixate on revenue-generating roles. After all, these positions are directly...

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3 min read

Easily Translate Headcount into Cost Allocation

Few tasks can be as perplexing — and oddly satisfying — as the alchemy of turning headcount numbers into meaningful cost allocations by work days in...

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6 min read

Top-Down to Team-Oriented: Examining Organisational Structures

The way a company structures its workforce is crucial to its success. Workforce structures determine how employees are organised, how work is...

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5 min read

Talent Intelligence vs People Analytics

What’s the difference between talent intelligence and people analytics? As I speak with people analytics leaders, HR tech vendors, and research...

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3 min read

Why HR teams should monitor net hires

I recently sat down with Culture Curated’s Season Chapman and Yuliana Lopez to ask them which metrics were their favourite and Yuliana said net...

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2 min read

The Coming Wave of AI Regulation for Human Resources

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of various industries, revolutionizing the way organizations make decisions. However, with...

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2 min read

Do Not Allow Your People Analytics Tactics to Become “The Noise Before Defeat”

"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat." - Sun Tzu Complex people analytics...

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Urgent Report Request! What is the Cost of New Hires and Terminations?

It's an all too common scenario: a rush request coming in from the leadership team, in this case leadership in the finance department. They want to...

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