Phil Schrader

As One Model’s Solution Architect, Phil gets paid to be excited about People Analytics. This is a pretty good deal for a naturally excitable person with 10 years of experience in HR and analytics - especially one who drinks more coffee than anyone on the team, except David Wilson.

5 min read

Key Metrics for Succession Planning

Succession planning is a strategic HR function. Its purpose is to map out key positions in the organization and identify potential successors who are...

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3 min read

SuccessFactors:  The Goldilocks Applicant Tracking System

It’s always good news when a prospective One Model customer tells me that they use SuccessFactors for recruiting. Given that HR technology in general...

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4 min read

The One Model Difference #1: We're Your HR Data Cleansing Service

The One Model difference that really sets us apart is our ability to extract all your messy data and clean it into a standardized data catalog. Let's...

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2 min read

People Analytics sneaky frustration: How to count people over time?

Analytics is a funny discipline. On one hand, we deal with idealized models of how the world works. On the other hand, we are constantly tripped up...

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3 min read

Why HR teams should monitor net hires

I recently sat down with Culture Curated’s Season Chapman and Yuliana Lopez to ask them which metrics were their favourite and Yuliana said net...

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Urgent Report Request! What is the Cost of New Hires and Terminations?

It's an all too common scenario: a rush request coming in from the leadership team, in this case leadership in the finance department. They want to...

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4 min read

How to Calculate the Cost of Turnover to Combat Voluntary Resignation Reasons

Turnover is the strongest signal you get from your workforce. Someone worked here, and — for one reason or another — it didn’t work out. Voluntary...

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2 min read

Your Recruiters are Impacting Your Employee Outcomes

The Power of Combining Data Sources

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3 min read

You Need to Know Your Recruiting Cost for Applicant Sourcing

It can be hard to select the right people analytics projects. There’s no shortage of options to choose from-- turnover risk, career path analysis,...

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4 min read

4 Advantages of People Analytics in a Recession

People analytics provides insight into your organisation’s workforce. Your company’s workforce is at or near the top of your organisation’s expenses...

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