Steve Hall

Steve loves data and loves to solve problems, which makes him a great fit as One Model’s Solution Architect. With a background in Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Steve has done work in talent management, employee engagement, program evaluation, organizational research, and just prior to joining One Model, he was leading a People Analytics team. Steve would say that every dataset has a story to tell and it’s our job to pull that story out. When he’s not playing with data, Steve and his son do tournament bass fishing in Central Florida.

3 min read

Forecasting vs. Annualization: Determining the Right Approach at the Right Time

Reporting specialists and data analysts are often required to predict the future for stakeholder groups. They do this through a variety of models,...

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5 min read

Span of Control Matters: How to Optimize Your Org Structure for Efficiency and Growth

In organizational management, span of control plays a key role in defining how streamlined and agile a company can be.

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7 min read

How to Track and Calculate Promotion Rate for Brilliant Decisions

Understanding the subtleties of organizational promotion dynamics offers a window into career advancement opportunities or lack thereof and can...

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